Make R.A.N.D.Y. dance and listen to the upcoming Nid & Sancy album for free! As long as you keep R.A.N.D.Y. happy he will present you the whole album for free! All animations are interactive and real-time making use of OpenGL, GLSL and some Cinder libs.
The original artwork is taken from their album that’s up for grabs!
We introduced the incentive to really shake your device to the BPM of the songs. This would be translated in the ability to listen to whole album for free!
When done shaking there’s always a shake free copy at the iTunes store.
The hand-drawn artwork is courtesy of Nid & Sancy.
Meet Randy
Info how to win
Unfortunately not everybody liked this app as we do. It was rejected twice from the iTunes as being not useful 👎
The people at Create Digital Music, Creative Applications and PSFK wrote some nice words about the app and the problem with Apple.
Nid & Sancy
Concept / development